Author: Maurice Savaryego, M.Sc.Eng. (Learn More)
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Compare Electric Tomato Strainers: OMRA Spremy 850 vs. OMRA 2400
![]() (Photo Credits: OMRA) Milling and straining your own tomatoes comes with many benefits:
- You can avoid commercially canned or boxed tomatoes with unhealthy salt content and preservatives. - You can save money, as good quality, low salt commercial tomato products are expensive. - You can enjoy the rich, nature-given, non-adulterated taste of fresh tomatoes. - If you grow your own tomatoes, you can process large quantities and can them for use in the winter. But to strain your own tomatoes, you don't necessarily have to have a tomato garden. Local vegetable markets and good supermarkets provide us with large quantities with all the benefits of tomatoes grown in your own garden. With tomato strainers, no peeling or coring is required to extract the pulp. Skins and seeds are separated and discarded to leave a smooth puree. Nowadays, you can find good manual and electric strainers. But clearly, being more powerful, electric strainers produce much better results skinning, coring and pureeing the tomatoes, and they also save you a lot of time and effort. These machines can also be used to make apple sauce and other types of fruit and vegetable purees and sauces. We have no doubt that once you have tested the tomatoe strainers to be compared in this article, you wil be more than satisfied. This article will compare the OMRA Spremy 850 and OMRA 2400 electric tomato milling and straining machines. These strainers were top sellers in the electric tomato strainer category among Amazon buyers at the time this review was written.
Comparing the Selected Tomato Strainers
OMRA SPREMY 850 Tomato Strainer
Here are the specifications of this machine:
OMRA 2400 Tomato Strainer
As tomatoes are introduced into the hopper, you will just need to press them into the body of the machine using the pestle provided. The screw feeder, rotating about its axis will push them forwards and press them against the screen. The juice will come out of the holes in the screen and fall into the trough which conveys it to the collection receptacle while the seeds and peels are eliminated through the small funnel at the end of the screen. Note that it is possible to put the seeds and the skins back into the machine in order to obtain an improved squeezing.
Here are the specifications for this machine:
(**): These prices were in effect at time this article was written. Please refer to the Amazon products section below for exact price information.
(***): These are the product ratings at the time this article was written and may have changed since.
So which tomato strainer is best to buy?
Both products will quickly separate skin and seeds from the pulp of your tomatoes as well as other fruits and vegetables. But their throughput rates (or the amount of tomatoes they can process per hour) are different. With 600 lbs/hour, clearly, the OMRA 2400 strainer has the highest throughput and is also the most solidly made (no plastic parts!). Therefore, if you are planning to strain large quantities of tomatoes, and you need to do it frequently, then the heavy duty OMRA 2400 is the one you need. Not only will it handle repeated large batches of tomatoes with absolutely no problems, but it will also last a very long time.
If you don't want to pay the higher price tag of the OMRA 2400, but still need to strain large quantities of tomatoes, then a OMRA Spremy 850 is the next one to consider. It also has a respectable throughput of more than 300 lbs/hour, and though it has a few plastic parts (the red & white casing is made of plastic), the parts that really count are made of stainless steel and cast aluminum. Amazon customers who have used this product have nothing but praise for it, and if you can't afford the OMRA 2400, but must have a strainer that can handle frequent and large batches of tomatoes, this one will definitely do as well.
Both OMRA machines are high quality Italian made products.
Finally note that, clean-up of both machines considered here is a breeze: Just wipe the body of the machine with a wet cloth, and throw all the removable components in the dishwasher.
OMRA SPREMY 850 and OMRA 2400 Electric Tomato Strainers on Amazon
Please click the Amazon US link image below for the tomato strainer of your choice to see exact price information or to purchase.
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More recently a new electric tomato straining machine has been available. It is the VBENLEM tomato strainer that has bee extremely popular among Amazon customers which gave this product an average of 4.5 stars!
For more information on this excellent tomato strainer, please click below: