Electric Shavers
The main disadvantage of these electric shavers is that they do not pull the hair from the root, but simply cut it. As a result hair grows back quite fast. This means that one will have to resort to the procedure quite often, almost every day, to keep the skin continuously smooth. Also for best results, and in particular for sensitive skin, application of some cream or gel prior to shaving is also recommended.
In spite of these drawbacks, because electric shavers are so easy to use, and when used properly do not cause any major skin problems, for many women having to use them often may not be a major problem.
Electric Epilators
First, the electric epilator does not require any special skills and is very easy to use. But more important, unlike electric shavers, epilators pull the hair from the root, which allows for smooth legs for a much longer period (usually 3 to 4 weeks). And when the hair grows back, it often grows thinner. Also, compared to waxing, electric epilators are distinguished by their ability to remove even the shortest hairs. That is why epilators are also used in beauty parlors for touch-ups between major hair removal sessions.
Some epilators come with additional heads for shaving and bikini trimming. The best models can work both with lather in the bath or shower, or dry with nothing at all. They are usually rechargeable to allow for cordless use, but come also with a power adapter.
The main drawback with epilators is the pain that one may feel when the hair is pulled from the root, especially during the first few uses. But the pain lessens with repeated use, and some models feature high-frequency rollers that stimulate the skin before and soothes it after hair removal to reduce the sensation of pain. When used in the bathtub, water also contributes to diminish the pain one may feel. But if you plan to use your electric epilator in the bathtub, make sure first that it is clearly identified as safe when handled under water. Finally, to prevent small red pimples and ingrown hairs, a good exfoliating scrub the evening before the epilation and good hydration following the procedure are recommended.
Two important points to keep in mind before you decide what to get:
* Electric Epilators pull the hair from the root while Electric Shavers just cut the hair.
* With Electric Epilators, hair takes much longer to grow back than with shavers, and often it grows back thinner!